Numworks Crash Course: Tutorial Series

The Numworks Calculator is an incredibly powerful and modern calculator. This tutorial series will teach you everything you need to know to become a Numworks Calculator Wiz!

Numworks Crash Course: Calculations

This video contains everything you need to know to perform basic calculations using the Calculations Application of the Numworks Calculator.

Numworks Crash Course: Functions

This video contains everything you need to know about how to graph functions, set the zoom, calculate maximum/minimum/intercept/etc, and more on the Numworks Calculator.

Numworks Crash Course: Statistics and Probability

This video contains everything you need to know about how to calculate statistics based on a set of data, create histograms, box plots, and find probabilities based on the normal, binomial, exponential and other distributions.

Numworks Crash Course: Equations

This video contains everything you need to know about how to solve equations and systems of equations on the Numworks calculator. This includes equations with a single variable, multiple variables, and infinite solutions.

Numworks Crash Course: Sequences

This video contains everything you need to know about how to use the sequences app on the Numworks graphing calculator. This includes graphing equations, showing a table, and the different types of equations available.

Numworks Crash Course: Regression

This video contains everything you need to know about how to use the regression app on the Numworks graphing calculator. This includes calculating linear regression, showing a graph, viewing the statistics, viewing the correlation coefficient, and other such operations.

Numworks Crash Course: Python

This video contains everything you need to know about how to use the Python app on the Numworks graphing calculator. This includes editing and creating programs, executing programs, importing functions, working with the built-in scripts, sending Python files from your computer to your calculator, and other such Python related operations.

Numworks Website

Numworks Workshop

Numworks Review

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